Please contact the regulator for information related to a registrant whose information may not be available in this listing.
Richard Gregory Fraser
Licence Number
Licence Category Status
Licence Category
Licence Valid To
Conditions & Restrictions
Registrant may not perform the competencies that follow, until they provide the College with proof of completing an education program to obtain the competencies. The competencies include: 4.5.o Interpret radiological data, 4.5.p Interpret data from CT, ultrasound and MRI, 5.1.m Rapid sequence intubation, 5.7.c Reduce fractures and dislocations, 6.1.r (CPNS) Perform Procedural Sedation and A.9 Use paralytics. Practice conditions: may not practice clinically until, the College receives proof of the medical practitioner providing direct or indirect oversight of their practice and proof of professional liability insurance is provided, or they have other documentation to indicate they have a medical oversight physician and professional liability insurance.
Not Applicable
Additional Approved Activities
Not Applicable