Competence Profiles
On April 1, 2017, the former College of Paramedics of Nova Scotia (CPNS), now known as the Nova Scotia Regulator of Paramedicine (NSRoP), became responsible for regulating the practice of paramedicine in Nova Scotia. It also assumed the responsibility for approving the essential competency profiles for each licencing category, a role previously held by Emergency Health Services Nova Scotia (EHSNS).
At the time, the Intermediate Care Paramedicine (ICP) licencing category was included in the Nova Scotia Essential Competence Profiles developed by EHSNS or the National Occupational Competency Profile (NOCP) created by the Paramedic Association of Canada (PAC). To address this, the CNPS developed its own competency profile for the ICP category.
On February 26, 2018, the CPNS established the Essential Competency Profiles for the Primary Care Paramedicine, Intermediate Care Paramedicine, Advanced Care Paramedicine and Critical Care Paramedicine licencing categories.
Most recently, the NSRoP Board of Directors (Board) approved, with modifications, the Pan-Canadian Essential Regulatory Requirements (PERRs) for Paramedics and Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs). These frameworks were developed by the Canadian Organization of Paramedic Regulators (COPR) and are now being implemented in Nova Scotia.
The COPR works to standardize regulatory practices across Canada, enhance public accountability, and support the national and international mobility of paramedics and EMRs. In 2021, the COPR began developing a harmonized and unified approach for pan-Canadian essential requirements for paramedics and EMRs. This approach emphasizes competencies and standards focused on providing safe and effective care to the public.
As a COPR member, the NSRoP adopted the COPR PERRS for Paramedicine on June 4, 2024. These documents have been adapted to meet the Nova Scotia regulatory needs and now form the foundation of the NSRoP Competency Frameworks.
Introduction - Paramedic Competency Framework | Examination & Educational Framework Resources |
EMR Competency Framework | PCP Competency Framework |
ACP Competency Framework | CCP Competency Framework |